Selective Information About Eyelid Plastic Surgery}

Selective Information About Eyelid Plastic Surgery


Hugh J. Lara

Eyelid surgery is just like any other plastic surgery, and involves similar risks and complications. Results, safety and quality are the three main aspects of any surgery. Eyelid plastic surgery is done to take care of the problem of droopy and puffy eyes by getting rid of excess fat, muscles and skin around the eyes.


Drooping eyelids can become a problem in daily life as they can impair vision. They can also make a person look tired and older, and eyelid plastic surgery can correct all these problems. Eyelid plastic surgery procedure includes making an incision along the crease of the eyelids to remove the extra fat and skin. For lower eyelid surgery, the incision is made below the eyelid.Eyelid Plastic Surgery ProcedureEyelid plastic surgery is performed by the plastic surgeon, and can be done either in the surgeon’s office or in hospital. The surgery is done under local anesthesia, and incisions are closed with sutures. There maybe some discomfort after the surgery, and eyes are lubricated with the ointment. As the anesthesia wears off, the eyelids will be sore. To treat bruising and swelling, cold compresses can be used.After the eyelid plastic surgery, the eyes will be gummy for almost a week, and there may be high sensitivity for light. Eyes may also itch or burn, and eyelids might feel dry. Surgery scar remains pink for almost six months. You may not be able to watch television after 2-3 days, and it usually takes ten days to get back to work. Doctor will prescribe the rest for 3-4 days, and you must avoid any strenuous activity during this time.Few complications and risks associated with eyelid plastic surgery include continued bleeding, infections, suture cysts, wound separation, insufficient fat removal, excessive skin, fat or muscle removal, internal scarring, double vision, injury to tear producing gland, swelling on eyeball surface, loss of vision and allergic reaction to anesthesia.Eyelid plastic surgery is an expensive procedure, and it is individual’s decision to decide if it is worth all the cost, time and effort. Best candidate for this procedure are men and women with realistic expectations, and having a healthy body and mind. As flexibility of skin increases with age, and many people over the age of 35 years opt for this procedure. Eyelid plastic surgery however is not suggested for people with high blood pressure, diabetes, dry eye, cardiovascular disorder, thyroid and circulatory diseases.For eyelid plastic surgery, look for a surgeon who is American Board of Plastic Surgery certified, and is a member of American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unqualified professionals will make great efforts to convince you for the procedure, and show you some unrealistic dreams. Make sure that the certification is associated with some board.

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Selective Information About Eyelid Plastic Surgery}