One Of The Best School In Ahmedabad Provide Smart Class Program
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One of the Best School In Ahmedabad Provide Smart Class Program
Smartclass is a digital initiative of Educomp, which is rapidly transforming the way teachers teach and students learn in schools with innovative and meaningful use of technology. It s a new age technology movement that is fast becoming an imperative for schools. Soon it will touch every class and every progressive school in India.
Smartclass brings in technology right next to the blackboard for teachers in the classrooms. Students learn difficult and abstract curriculum concepts watching highly engaging visuals and animations. This makes learning an enjoyable experience for students while improving their overall academic performance in school.
Smartclass has a unique delivery model for schools. A knowledge center is created inside the school equipped with the entire library of smartclass digital content. The knowledge center is connected to the classrooms through Intranet.
Teachers can also create their own smart tests and use them in the class for assessment. For this purpose, a Test Authoring Tool has been added to the smart class assessment application. Students are equipped with a hand held remote answering device that now forms a part of their Pencil Box in the school bag.
Amrut School is one of the first
schools in Ahmedabad
to implement e-learning methodology using the Smart Class program of Educomp Solutions Ltd. It also has the second largest e-learning installation in India.
Existing classrooms are converted into e-learning rooms equipped with Interactive Boards and a PC connected to a central Knowledge Center inside the school campus. Teachers use the digital resources such as animations, video clips and simulated models as part of their classroom period to teach the specific topics through e-learning enabling a multi-sensory learning experience for the students.
A unique assessment tool is provided in the class room for teachers to make instant formative assessment in every session. Students answer the test with a powerful hand-held remote device
The advantages of Smart Classes are :
- Improves teachers effectiveness and productivity
- Brings abstract and difficult curriculum concepts to life.
- Makes learning an enjoyable experience for students
- Enables multi-sensory learning in classrooms.
- Improves academic performance of students.
- Enables instant formative assessment of learning outcomes in class.
Smart class program helps schools to integrate technology in the day-to-day life of teachers and students right inside their classrooms and affect a significant part of teaching and learning in any given academic session.
The classrooms turn into lively learning platforms for students and the teachers can choose from a mix of teaching tools such as the traditional chalk and blackboard coupled with graphics, sound, animations, and videos.
Amrut School is one of the oldest
School in Ahmedabad
. Amrut school Provide smart class educational
School In Ahmedabad
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